Press, Trends & Perspectives

Our ideas and approach are anything but cookie cutter, and are regularly covered by national media. Due to their timeless nature, these are not listed by date.

Cobb Chamber

DynamiX Named 2021 Top 5 Small Business

DynamiX has been named one of 2021's Top 30 Small Businesses of the Year by the Cobb Chamber. We were humbled to be named a Top 5 Small Business and a finalist for Small Business of the Year!

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Huffington Post

15 Personal Rules You Should Follow for Business Success

Do It Right or Don’t Do It - Beyond a personal rule, this underpins everything we do as a company. There’s no halfway, and the entire organization knows that everything we touch must be done right. This gives our clients confidence that we’re going to deliver for them, and allows our team to push back if something doesn’t seem like a total effort. It also helps us filter prospects and avoid customers who don’t value quality.

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Don't Give Someone Else's Speech: Focus On Your 'Why'

I recently spoke with a friend who was asked to give a guest lecture at a college. This friend is absolutely brilliant in so many ways and has a massive amount of value to bring to the students in the class. But when we spoke, I could tell that something was off. He was struggling to describe his journey in a way the class would be interested in, and I could feel the anxiety in his voice.

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Why working on the weekend could be bad for your business

In our fast-paced world, a seven-day workweek can feel like a requirement. I know that pressure firsthand. I spent years working long days and weekends as the CEO and founder of my business. But in 2012, that all changed - and it forever shifted my perspective on work-life balance.

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Going for Greatness in All Aspects of Business

Average gets ignored. Instead, seek greatness.

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12 Ways To Improve A Customer's User Experience

Watch An Outsider Engage With Your Brand - It's impossible to be objective, see flaws or improvement opportunities when you're knee deep in the business. At the same time, you'll immediately see when someone else is not experiencing your brand the way you would like them to. Knowing this, inviting a friend who doesn't know your business to engage with no commentary from you will be enlightening and uncomfortable!

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Forget the Algorithm: 16 Ways to Get Your Business to the Top of Search

Write to Connect With Your Customers, Not Search Engines - The biggest mistake we see comes in writing for search engines at the expense of the customer. Remember that while the copy gets them to the front door, if they hate what they find when they walk in, they’ll leave. Since Google takes customer experience into account when ranking, a site that continually turns off visitors won’t rank well long term, even if the content is perfectly optimized.

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10 Simple Changes For A Healthier Entrepreneur Lifestyle

Set boundaries - The biggest positive change I've made to my lifestyle came shortly after my son was born. Realizing that I couldn't be a workaholic and needing to set my priorities in balance, I completely banned work and my computer on the weekends. This was accomplished simply by leaving my laptop in my car in the garage and refusing to allow it in the house. Contrary to my expectation that this compromise would harm my effectiveness, I found myself energized and with dramatically improved perspective at the start of each week...

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Meet Jeff Jahn of DynamiX

Jeff, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. Since my first computer at 3 years old (Macintosh Plus) I’ve always been interested in technology. At 9 my Dad and I built our first computer, and at 14 I started my first “business,” setting up networks and building computers/infrastructure for small businesses...

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Business Collective

Want to Reach New Customers? Try These Inexpensive Tech Hacks

Adding Value Through Your Time and Interest The best way to reach customers for free is to give the gifts of time and interest. Find someone in an organization who would be willing to listen to guidance that will help them move forward, something that you know well enough to truly help them. Next invest some time in providing real value to that person and organization, not just surface value. The approach and attitude will pay dividends.

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Use These 11 Time Management Techniques to Stretch the Hours in Your Day

Learn to Delegate and Focus - I used to live by what Tim Ferriss calls the results-by-volume approach, but learned it accomplishes far less than can be achieved by delegation and focus. Today, I stretch the hours in a given day by identifying what I am doing—calls, emails, meetings, etc—that could or should be done by someone else or not at all. This empowers our team and allows us all to do better work.

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13 Life Rules to Keep You Motivated

Do it right or don’t do it. This approach guides every decision I make. If I don’t think we can do it better than anyone else and feel a strong passion for it, I decline the opportunity. Life’s just too short to spend time doing things that you aren’t proud of, don’t enjoy and aren’t going to put your full focus behind. During the years, this has saved us from many good opportunities, allowing the bandwidth for great ones.

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Need To Make A Big Decision Quickly? Do This.

Jeff Jahn, the CEO of the software company DynamiX offers up some good food for thought about the patterns related to our decisions: "Most of what we face each day is similar to other scenarios we have already experienced. By understanding this, it's possible to quickly map a range of previous experiences and their outcomes. Leverage those to arrive at the most viable decision for this case. Over time, as you continue making decisions, their speed and quality will improve." I really like this because it's a reminder that we should only do what we've done before if that choice worked for our greater good in times past. Otherwise, we probably need to step out of the box a bit.

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11 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Handle Decision Fatigue

Start with Why - The first question I ask when a decision reaches my desk is why is it there in the first place. Understanding why a decision needs to be made is key to making better decisions as an organization. If the same theme keeps coming up, it’s time to proactively engage in resolving it, or in uncovering where we’re failing to set expectations or create processes that will allow the organization to decide.

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Huffington Post

12 Mobile Apps to Stay Connected With Your Team

Slack - "For keeping an eye on what's going on at the office, there's simply nothing better than Slack. I use it on trips to quickly skim developments in each channel as well as reach out to individuals when needed. The ability to snooze notifications is great, because it gives both peace and confidence knowing that the team can override it in an emergency."

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4 surprising reasons why you should invest in UX

Your UX might save someone’s life OK, this is maybe less likely. But your user experience design might just save someone’s life someday. Sounds crazy, but take a look at Jeff Jahn’s thoughtful reflections on how designing smoke detector alerts from the user’s perspective could reduce the deaths in house fires. Or the thought-provoking story told by UX Designer Jonathan Shariat about a child who died in hospital because the software her nurses had to deal with was totally impossible to figure out. Not all UX design situations are life or death, thankfully. But the lesson still stands – bad UX has tangible, measurable and sometimes disastrous results, both for individuals and companies. Good UX can, literally, save lives. Hard to find a better reason to invest.

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14 Ways to Keep Improving Your Business Skillset

Practice Where the Stakes Are Low - Nothing improves without practice, so the first place to start is by uncovering a low-stakes way to craft the skills you need. For example, let's look at public speaking. Find opportunities to speak to local schools, guest lecture at a nearby college or volunteer for an event that you have some expertise in. You'll help others, meet new people and be better when the stakes are high.

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7 Predictions On The Next Smart Home Innovation

Pictures Frames That Can Change Depending On Who's Near - Digital photo frames have existed for years, but have barely evolved. I see the next innovation coming in a relatively inexpensive replacement for the traditional frame. Coupled with a phone, nearby frames could update based on who is in the room. Leveraging displays that mimic traditional paper without back lighting would allow for long life without hard wiring.

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Want to Be a Lot Happier? Science Says Do Any 1 of These 9 Things

A bonus tip: Courtesy of Jeff Jahn, a fellow Inc. columnist and part of the Young Entrepreneur Council, who sent me this: I have one to add. I've found that there are almost always one or two things on my to-do list that aren't necessarily big, but that I really don't want to do. When I let them linger, I finish the day with a level of stress and weight that keeps me from enjoying the afternoon. If instead I make the commitment to hit those first thing in the morning and get them off my plate, my level of relaxation and happiness at the end of the day goes through the roof.

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15 Non-Negotiable Traits Every New Hire Should Possess

Ability to Mesh With Team - There’s no substitute for culture. It doesn’t matter how talented someone is, if they don’t mesh well with your team, then it can turn into a huge negative for the organization. Focus on how they interact with your team during the interview, and pay close attention to their communication and work ethic once they join. My experience has been that if someone isn’t a fit early, they won’t become one.

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5 Morning Habits to Boost Your Productivity All Day Long

Be the first person in the office. Jeff Jahn, founder and chief nerd of website development company DynamiX, wakes up early in order to be the first person in the office and work uninterrupted. "I have found that there's no substitute for being the first one in the office each morning," he says. It allows for uninterrupted productivity, lets you gather your thoughts without time pressure and relieves the sense of needing to respond to emails instantly, as you can count on no one seeing them for a while, Jahn explains. "I often take this time to address items that are important, but hard to get to later in the day."

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Want a More Productive Day? 11 Things You Should Do as Soon as You Get to the Office

Review Results and Identify Improvements - I start each morning with a thorough performance review of one of our clients. This helps me ensure that we are adding the substantial amount of value that I expect, while quickly alerting us to areas that have room for improvement. Most of all, it focuses my mind on the need to continually generate results for our customers and on how best to accomplish that each day.

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Business Radio X
Berry College

Berry College Magazine Cover - FAST LANE

There are many ways to describe Jahn’s career journey. Conventional is not one of them. Insatiably curious, intensely creative and powerfully motivated, the 2007 Berry graduate has forged a path all his own from enterprising teenager providing technical support services out of his parents’ home to successful business owner with six different startups to his credit.

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11 SEO Habits You Need to Break Right Now

Writing for Search Engines Time and time again, I see sites stuffed full of unfriendly copy. They are designed for search engines and not for the people who find the site. The days of showing up first and making the sale are long gone, and there are great alternatives to anything you have to offer. What sets you apart is how well you can connect with me as a visitor. If I feel like you’re addressing Google instead of me, then I’m out.

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The Seven Apps Every Technology Executive Should Have

Slack - Slack has been an invaluable way to keep up to date on what's happening throughout the organization. In particular, it allows us to quickly catch up on developments that may have happened while in a meeting or on the road, and lets the team be more cohesive regardless of where they are. At an executive level, it often obviates the need for status updates from project managers.

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Humanizing and Personalizing Your Brand

Be transparent. There’s just something refreshing about genuine, honest content on the Internet. Humanize the brand by opening up with it. Be transparent. Jeff Jahn, CEO of DynamiX says, “Make your secret sauce the thing you share the most because it is always what you are most passionate about.” Be transparent in how the brand communicates, what it communicates about and how it communicates with customers.

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12 Online Productivity Tools That Make Getting Things Done a Whole Lot Easier

Slack - "Few tools have improved team communication the way Slack has. Not only does it allow for robust discussion throughout the day across all projects and team members, it's also phenomenal for quickly catching up on what has happened after a meeting or when [I'm] on vacation. Instead of a 30-plus minute status call, two minutes of skimming a project's Slack channel is enough to get fully up to speed."

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7 Ways to Leverage Your Strengths as an Introverted Leader

Conquer nerves by preparing ahead. "As a 'recovering introvert,' I used to find it much easier to focus on developing an idea or concept than I did speaking with a prospect," says Jeff Jahn, founder of website development company DynamiX. Preparing has helped raise his own confidence while impressing the client. "I would uncover a company we wanted to work with, then set aside time to create compelling ideas that were sure to wow them," he says. "Knowing I was coming to the table with real concepts raised my confidence, and clients loved how prepared we were."

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Seven Hacks To Make Your Technology Department More Productive

A Strong Team - Cultivate and leverage your team. I first ask myself if the request should be handled directly, or if it can be delegated to someone else on the team. If I am the best to answer, I make the response a priority. If others are best, I quickly introduce them into the discussion and recuse myself. Cultivate a team that can handle 80 percent of what comes in. This will also increase the time you have available for the most important requests.

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Looking for a trusted business vendor? Follow this two-step process

Find the vendor that best aligns with your company's core values.Once you've gathered a list of recommended vendors from your trusted connections, it's time to start evaluating them. Looking at their track record, client testimonials and industry experience are key, of course, but it's also critical to ensure the vendors will respect and uphold your core values.

Jeff Jahn, CEO of Atlanta-based web development firm DynamiX, delivers beautifully designed, high-performing websites to his company's clients. He and his team are dedicated to helping those clients realize their goals and drive their businesses forward - and he expects any vendors they work with to share that vision.

"There's nothing better than being in alignment, and that starts with having similar values," says Jahn. "We leverage the core values that our customers expect from us to identify the best vendors for our business, judging their capabilities and output by those standards. If a company doesn't know their values, we likewise know it's probably not going to be a fit."

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Let's Start Brainstorming