From our client, Formax Printing

From our client, Formax Printing

One of our clients, Formax Printing just sent us a quick e-mail mentioning some of the exceptional search engine rankings that they have noticed lately for their new website. Without further adieu, here they are!

#1 Result in Google out of 5,060,000 results for the phrase what does self cover book mean

#3 Result in Google out of 9,700,000 results (almost 10 million!) for the phrase printing terms 4/1 meaning

#5 Result in Google out of 39,300,000 for the phrase what does print on demand mean

And last but certainly not least…
Result in Google out of 64,000,000 results for the phrase what does bleed mean printing

Way to go Formax Printing! Check them out online at

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