Know Where Your Website Stands.
Don't let an underperforming site cost you business. We will provide a half-dozen free ideas to make your current site better. No cost, no strings and no sweat!
Here's What We'll Do For You.
1. Comprehensive SEO Analysis
"Everybody thinks their website is above average." - Matt Cutts, Google
It's easy to assume, hope or pray that your site is doing it's job for you, but how can you know for sure? So much of what makes a site successful lives "below the skin," invisible to the average visitor or business -- yet has a huge impact on the ability of your site to rank and do well. We'll dive deep into the codebase and alert you to any issues that are preventing the site from doing it's best work for you.
2. Website Speed Review
According to Google, "Most sites lose half their visitors while loading."
If your site takes a while to load for customers, it's not just frustrating -- it's costing you business. We'll identify a few of the more nefarious causes behind that slow website, so you can bring your visitors some relief.
3. Branding & Marketing Review
"It's much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic." - Jeff Eisenberg
Ranking well and loading quickly are essential pieces, but they are far from the only important parts of your website to consider. Is your site speaking to your audience in a way that answers their questions, gets them excited about working with you and helps them take actionable next steps? If the answer to any of these is no, we'll help you consider ways to improve that experience and convert more visitors into customers.